Carol Grever has been a successful author, businesswoman, English professor, and community advocate. Her newest book is a memoir, Turnings: Reflections on a Conscious Life. She previously authored three other nonfiction books, My Husband Is Gay, When Your Spouse Comes Out, and Memory Quilt, and also produced an award-winning documentary, One Gay, One Straight: Complicated Marriages. Glimpses, her book-length poetry collection, won the Colorado Authors’ League 2013 Prize. As a recognized spokesperson on straight spouse issues, she has appeared on major network TV shows, including Anderson Cooper 360, The Early Show, Good Morning America, and The Oprah Winfrey Show. She has been interviewed by media on three continents.
An Oklahoma native, Carol is an adopted Coloradan. Active in community life, she has served on a dozen non-profit boards and has received numerous honors, including the Colorado Business and Professional Women’s Woman of the Year and Community Service Award, Entrepreneur of Distinction, Boulder’s Business Pacesetter, and Boulder County's Business Hall of Fame. She is Past President of the Boulder Rotary Club and has chaired the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, the Private Industry Council, and the Board of Trustees of Naropa University. She’s an active member of Boulder Rotary Club and the Colorado Authors' League. She earned a Master’s Degree with Distinction from Pacific University and did post-graduate work at Oklahoma State University.